About Company

Fiona Zhou - Partnerships & Sales, JAD Capital, Deloitte |

Fiona Zhou - Partnerships & Sales, JAD Capital, Deloitte |

Artin Bogdanov - Product & Market, Walmart Labs, Adobe, Harvard |

Artin Bogdanov - Product & Market, Walmart Labs, Adobe, Harvard |

As a team, we take great pride in our collective experience and expertise. Our team is composed of individuals who have worked at some of the world's leading companies such as Google, Amazon, Walmart, Adobe, and Deloitte, as well as graduates from Ivy League universities with decades of experience in their respective fields.

Our diverse range of skills and knowledge allows us to offer comprehensive solutions to education, commerce, and tech companies looking to expand to the US market. We understand the challenges and opportunities that come with entering a new market, and we are committed to providing personalized support to each of our clients.

At our core, we are passionate about helping our clients achieve their goals. We work closely with each client to develop a customized strategy that aligns with their unique needs and objectives. Whether it's developing a go-to-market strategy, finding the right product-market fit, or building strategic partnerships, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to ensure our clients' success.

Overall, our team's collective experience, expertise, and passion make us a formidable force in helping education, commerce, and tech companies from Asia expand to the US market. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and support to help our clients achieve long-term success and growth.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize our client's needs and objectives, and we tailor our services to provide solutions that meet their specific challenges and goals.

Our Values

Cultural Competence

We understand the cultural differences between Asia and the Western world, and we leverage our knowledge and experience to help our clients navigate these differences and succeed in new markets.


We are focused on achieving measurable results for our clients and we are committed to delivering tangible value to their businesses.

Thought Leadership

We stay ahead of the curve by continually expanding our knowledge and expertise, and we bring this thought leadership to our clients to help them stay competitive in their industries.

Partnership Mentality

We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients, and we work collaboratively with them to identify opportunities and solutions that will help them achieve their goals.


We leverage data and analytics to inform our recommendations and solutions, and we use this information to continuously improve our services and approach.

Transparent Communication

We believe in open and transparent communication with our clients, and we keep them informed every step of the way, from project planning to execution and analysis.